Pricing - Be Confident To Charge What You’re Truly Worth - And Get It!
29/01/2025 | 9:30am - 12:30pm
Event Location: LCB Depot
Event Address: 31 Rutland Street, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE1 1RE
Contact Email Address:
Event Description
This interactive workshop will help you to develop and implement a pricing strategy that truly reflects the value of what you deliver, either service or product, enabling you to achieve the profit you deserve.
Pricing is the most powerful profit lever any business has – get this right and we earn what we deserve, get it wrong and it can be devastating. It also impacts our customers perceptions of what we do – high value? Premium? or cheap?
And it’s not just about the number, achieving the prices we deserve for our product and service is also about how we implement our approach, how we position prices with customers and how we manage our prices over time.
In this workshop we’ll cover some of the essentials of pricing, developing a strong value proposition, communicating your value to position your prices in the right way and implementing price increases.
And just a 1% increase in pricing can grow your bottom line by over 10% - just imagine how that could help your business grow.
Who should attend?
Businesses owners in the Leicester City area looking to improve their profitability and grow their business through a confident approach to pricing.
Things we’ll cover
• Why Pricing is so important to you and your business
• The four main pricing approaches
• Which pricing model is best for your business
• A process to develop your pricing approach
• Understanding customer value and its importance to getting the prices you deserve
• Confidently communicating your value and prices using pricing psychology
• A proven process to successfully implement price increases
This workshop is delivered by Andrew Bailey MBA, a pricing and negotiation Specialist.
Andrew works with many businesses from Corporate Multi-Nationals to SMEs, private and public sector in a range of industries from consumer goods, construction, drinks and tobacco to online retailing IT, printing, leisure, professional services and education. All looking to grow their margins through effective price negotiations and win more deals, more often, at higher prices.
This free workshop is funded by the UKSPF and Leicester City Council.
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